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New to Community UCC? We’ll greet you at the door and give you a bulletin detailing the order of service, and you’ll get a hymnal as you enter the sanctuary. Large print bulletins are available if you need one.

Sunday Morning


Our 8:00 a.m. service is a contemplative service. This service consists of readings, silence, meditation time, prayer and an ending chant. It is intentionally spacious and quiet.  You're invited to attend in person.


Our 9:00 a.m. service is a family-friendly, interactive gathering with music and discussion.  is designed to bring out the “inner teacher” in each of us! We begin with music, we share in some silence and we read our texts for the morning out loud together. We receive inspiration from traditional sacred texts as well as readings outside the Bible, The highlight of this worship service for many is the chance to talk together in small groups after the message or a story is shared. We close in prayer and in song. Masks are recommended when the service is inside.


We have Fellowship Time at 10:00 a.m., between the two services. Due to COVID restrictions, however, we only serve refreshments outside when the weather permits. During that time, we offer spiritual adventures for kids of multiple age groups with faith stories, crafts, and time to connect with friends.


Our 10:30 a.m. service coincides with a program for children of all ages and abilities. The service has a more “traditional” order of service but with a creative and progressive liturgy that includes a call to worship, prayers, hymns, a sermon, the choir or sometimes special music or an artistic offering by a member of our community. This gathering can be experienced on site.

We also offer a livestream.  


What should I wear?

People wear everything from shorts and jeans to business attire at our services and events. Please wear whatever you’re comfortable in.


Can my children come with me?

Yes! All ages are welcome in all of our services. Because the 9:00 a.m. service has a casual atmosphere, it is accessible for everyone. At 9:45 a.m, we offer spiritual adventures for multiple age groups with faith stories and crafts. Child care is available for young ones during the 10:30 a.m. traditional service if that is your preference.


Are your building and services accessible to people with disabilities?

Yes! We are making our congregation as accessible as possible, including having a hearing loop in our sanctuary for those wearing hearing aids. We offer large-print bulletins and hymnals for those with vision and hearing limitations. 


Our sanctuary has no steps, allowing those with motor difficulties to access it easily. In addition, the seating is easily moveable, so those with mobility issues may sit wherever they are comfortable.


We have a wheelchair available for anyone who needs help getting from their car to the sanctuary. We also have multiple parking spaces set aside to accommodate those individuals with special needs or disabilities. Our bathrooms are wheelchair accessible.


What happens during a Sunday service?

The traditional service at 10:30 a.m. includes announcements, music, readings, prayers, and a sermon. On the first Sunday of every month, we offer communion open to everyone. We offer both bread and gluten-free crackers.  


Do I have to sing?

No, but you’re welcome to join in singing hymns. We hand out hymnals when you enter the sanctuary. If you prefer not to use a hymnal, we have a screen at the front of the sanctuary where the words to the hymns are projected.


What are Joys and Concerns?

Part of our service includes sharing happy things (Joys) or sad things (Concerns). No one is obligated to share, but it is a time when you can ask for prayers from the congregation.


Will I be asked to introduce myself?

You are welcome to introduce yourself at the beginning of Joys and Concerns, but you don't have to! If you do introduce yourself, our members will greet you by name and introduce themselves after the service.


Will I have to sign anything?

We ask people to sign an attendance sheet when they enter the building to come to a service, and there is also an opportunity for you to provide your contact information or request a permanent name tag.


Do I have to donate money or make a pledge?

During the Offertory portion of the service, we pass an offering plate for those who wish to donate. If it is your first time coming to a service, please accept our hospitality freely and let the plate pass you by.

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